
Prayers Plainly Spoken is unavailable, but you can change that!

“If anything, these prayers are plain. They are so because I discovered I could not pray differently than I speak. In other words, I thought it would be a mistake to try to assume a different identity when I prayed. I figured … that God could take it, because God did not need to be protected. I think I learned this over the years by praying the Psalms in church. God does not want us to come to...

Lord of the Flood, wash us with your Spirit that we may be your ark of life, your peace in the sea of violence. Water is life; water cleans; water kills. Frightened, we are tempted to make a permanent home on the ark. But you force us to seek dry ground. We can do so only because you have taught us to cling to our baptisms, where we are drowned and reborn by the water and fire of your Spirit. So reborn, make us unafraid. AMEN.
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